Saturday, December 31, 2016

Disciplines Schedule

As promised here is my plan for 2017. I will be updating this as the year goes on. I will narrow it down to the week we're on and talk about my experience with the disciplines involved. Follow along with me as we learn to be more like Jesus through the love of God revealed in these disciplines.

Week 1: 1-7 - Psalm 139:1-4
Prayer and meditation. Removing Caffiene 4oz a day
Week 2: 8-14 - Romans 11:33-36
Prayer and meditation. Finding things to give away or sell and giving them away or selling them this week. Fasting 1 meal.
Week 3: 15-21 - Prov 3:5-6
Prayer and meditation.  Fasting 2 meals
Week 4: 22-28 - Psalm 34:8
Prayer and meditation daily. Give away or sell not needed things.
Week 5: 29 - 4 - 1 John 4:10
Solitude. Prayer and Meditation and Study. Fasting 1 day (3 meals).
Week 6: 5 - 11 - Isa 6:1-5
Prayer and meditation.
Schedule day of service for some group, food bank, or homeless shelter, or some other thing (more details to come).
Week 7: 12 - 18 - Exodus 34:6
Prayer and meditation
Week 8: 19 - 25 - 2 Pet 3:9
Prayer and meditation. Give away or sell not needed things.
Week 9: 26 - 4  - Deut 32:4
Fast 2 days 1st and 2nd Ash Wednesday (6 meals). Prayer and meditation.
Week 10: 5 - 11 - Isa 48:9-11
Prayer and meditation
Sat 10th 10am - 12pm EGC EGC 101 course
Week 11: 12 - 18 - Rom 1:18
Prayer and meditation
Week 12: 19 - 25 - Psalm 115:3
Prayer and meditation. Give away or sell not needed things.
Week 13: 26 - 1 - Daniel 4:35
Prayer and meditation
Week 14: 2 - 8 - Psalm 139:7-10
Fast 3 days (9 meals).
Prayer and meditation.
Week 15: 9 - 15 - Psalm 27:4
Fast on 14th (Good Friday)
Prayer and meditation.
Week 16: 16 - 22 - Habakkuk 2:14
Prayer and meditation. Give away or sell not needed things.
Week 17: 23 - 29 - Psalm 102:25-27
Prayer and meditation.
Solitude Day
Week 18: 30 - 6 - Acts 17:24-25
Fast 3 days (9 meals).
Prayer and meditation.
Week 19: 7 - 13 - Matthew 3:16-17
Prayer and meditation.
Week 20: 14 - 20 - Hebrews 1:1-2
Prayer and meditation.
Week 21: 21 - 27 - Hebrews 4:15-16
Prayer and meditation.
Week 22: 28 - 3 - Eph 1:20-22
Fast 3 days (9 meals).
Prayer and meditation.
Week 23: 4 - 10 - 2 Tim 3:16-17
Prayer and meditation.
Week 24: 11 - 17 - Matthew 4:4
Prayer and meditation.
Week 25: 18 - 24 - Psalm 119:11
Week 26: 25 - 1 - Psalm 12:6
Fast 3 meals (9 meals).
Prayer and meditation.
Week 27: 2 - 8 - Hebrews 4:12
Prayer and meditation.
Week 28: 9 - 15 - Deut 6:6-7
Prayer and meditation.
Week 29: 16 - 22 - Eph 1:3-6
Prayer and meditation.
Solitude Day
Week 30: 23 - 29 - Psalm 51:2-4
Prayer and meditation.
Week 31: 30 - 5 - 1 Cor 15:1-4
Fast 3 meals (9 meals).
Prayer and meditation.
Week 32: 6 - 12 - Matthew 11:28-30
Prayer and meditation.
Week 33: 13 - 19 -John 3:5-8
Prayer and meditation.
Week 34: 20 - 26 - John 3:16
Prayer and meditation.
Week 35: 27 - 2 - Galatians 2:16
Fast 3 days (9 meals).
Prayer and meditation.
Week 36: 3 - 9 - 2 Cor 5:21
Prayer and meditation.
Week 37: 10 - 16 - Romans 8:14-17
Prayer and meditation.
Week 38: 17 - 23 - Romans 6:11-14
Prayer and meditation.
Week 39: 24 - 30 - John 10:27-28
Prayer and meditation.
Week 40: 1 - 7 - Phil 1:20-24
Fast 3 days.
Prayer and meditation.
Week 41: 8 - 14 - 1 Cor 15:42-44
Prayer and meditation.
Solitude Day
Week 42: 15 - 21 - 1 Thes 4:15-18
Prayer and meditation.
Week 43: 22 - 28 - Rev 20:11-13
Prayer and meditation.
Week 44: 29 - 4 - Rev 21:1-4
Fast 3 days.
Prayer and meditation.
Week 45: 5 - 11 - Rev 14:11
Prayer and meditation.
Week 46: 12 - 18 - Rom 12:4-5
Prayer and meditation.
Week 47: 19 - 25 - Rom 6:3-4
Prayer and meditation.
Week 48: 26 - 2 - 1 Cor 11:23-26
Prayer and meditation.
Week 49: 3 - 9 - Rev 4:11
Fast 3 days.
Prayer and meditation.
Week 50: 10 - 16 - Jer 31:31-34
Prayer and meditation.
Week 51: 17 - 23 - Matt 22:37-40
Prayer and meditation.
Week 52: 24 - 30 - Matt 28:18-20

Prayer and meditation.

Thursday, December 29, 2016

The Disciplines: a life long project. This is year 1

I started reading "The Spirit of the Disciplines" a week or two ago and it has inspired me to rekindle my relationship with God through practicing all of them. By all of them I mean the ones listed in the book "Celebration of Discipline." I'm going to catalog my experiences as I systematically practice each throughout 2017.

January 1st will be my next post as I begin practicing meditation, prayer, study and submission. The ultimate goal is that I will start, little by little with daily practice, to become transformed in the renewing of my mind into the image of Christ. There will certainly be bumps and hiccups along the way that will derail me, but I will not be moved from my resolution.

This year will be the year of the Disciplines. Anyone who wants to join me may do so by following the plan I put up in my next post. This is obviously a little bit prideful for me to post that I'm doing this on a public forum, I recognize that. But I also recognize that I need social pressure to make this idea a reality.

Thanks all